Emails on my Ministry of Education Ban
From Eric
Congrats !
First up, let me just tell you that I had the greatest scare reading in Today that you site was firewalled. Went quickly to check if it was indeed true and was damn relieved (though I felt a little cheated) that I could still access it ! Hah! By banning your site, those idiots at MOE have just made you a HERO ! WAy To GO !!!!
Talkingcock cannot fight with Browntown lar. maybe MOE didn't consider them a threat, that's why never ban. hahaha.
again, WAY TO GO ! steady lar, mr brown.
From LV
Congratulations on your recognition from MOE This being the net, I would ask a friend who works in MOE to verify it first.
But I just can't wait so congratulations to you for the well deserved recognition.
From mc
congrats hey mrbrown, CONGRATS on making MOE's 'blacklist'!!! cheers
Someone who took this this article too seriously.
From Kristopher
Psychiatry Document
Mr. Brown,
I am interested in the document stated in the subject. send me moreinformation on said subject along with whatever else may be available. thanks.
From Kristopher
Psychiatry Degree Send Info to Buy
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