The sort of thing that excites an office of geeks. Gavin was trying out Michelle's iTrip on his iPod, and about three of us ended up tuning in to 88.7FM Gavin FM (with two Sony mini-radios and a Nokia phone, ain't technology grand?).
The song playing at the time of the shot was Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra. Sadly, the broadcast came to a halt when the newly created "radio station" had to temporarily pause transmission, because Gav had to go for lunch and he was not about to leave his iPod on his desk for nefarious characters to filch.
As you can see, the trials of operating a radio station in Singapore are many. Censorship, strict licensing, and lunch.
You can see the stress on the owner's face (actually, that is a too-much-Euro-2004 face).
Damn, I gotta get me an iPod.