About the number of people using Internet Explorer at BlogOn2004" as told by Divablog
Anyway, the presenter was doing his pitch in a polished way and at one point he said he wanted to show us a "really cool" feature and he looked up into the audience and said "Show of hands...How many of you use Internet Explorer?". Probably 99 times out of 100 when he asks that question all the hands go up, right? Well first there was a pause and then a giggle and then a whoop of laughter as the audience looked around and realized that NO ONE had raised a hand.
The comments following the post was just as good reading, many varied views. Hmm, I am using Firefox and Safari myself, after years of hanging on to Mac IE because of sheer inertia. Could this be the start of a revolution?
A quick look at the last 20 visitors to my site reveals that about 17 people are using MSIE (5 and 6), and about 7 are using Netscape. Interestingly, of the 17 using MSIE, two are Macs (hello? either you are still on OS9, or you are on OSX but cannot let go of your Explorer).
Looking at the overall 7 years of this site's existence:
Netscape 26.28%
MSIE 73.22%
Other 0.48%