Adri talks about the importance of having friends who are just as tech-mad as you. I am glad I have mates who are into the Mac and other techno-geekery as I am. Or I will never be able to find friends who can share my excitement about stuff like my Macbillboard desktop, Konfabulator widgets and cool Mac gadgetry.
If you’re into technology but without many technologically-inclined friends, it can be a terrible and lonely existence, where the moment you begin to swoon over a new product you are told to shut up, and you are physically banned from frothing at the mouth over the latest and the greatest since it induces a “oh yeah, cool I guess” response most of the time.
This is why being immersed in a pool of colleagues who do nothing but talk about the latest and the greatest all day is enough of non-pecuniary benefits to overshadow the fact that you are paid just-below-minumum-wage, just-above-McDonald’s, and is enough to make you choose lower pay/higher benefits over higher pay/3rd world working conditions (at the last restaurant you plied your trade in).