I know a few folks have been looking for this "What Matters" recording that screened on Thursday 9 Sept 2004, so here it is.
Click to download torrent for mr brown on "What Matters" clip (BitTorrent, 18Mb DiVX file)
Three big caveats:
1. You will need to be running BitTorrent and a BiTorrent client like Azureus, to download it. Since it is an 18Mb file and I'd be crazy to host it here directly. If anyone gets hold of this clip and decides to host it or upload it to other p2p services like eDonkey, be my guest. Always good to have alternative download sources.
2. You will need to have DiVX installed in your computer to view this clip. The regular Windows Media Player or Quicktime by itself will not play it.
3. This file is provided as is, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
Which means if it doesn't work on your machine, or it makes your machine hang, or some kind of mutant alien lifeform got attached to it and destroyed your network of nuclear-powered servers, no support will be provided by me or anyone else.
That said, the file has been scanned and it is clean.