Myrick mentions today's ST article about "nameless" bloggers airing political views, and also received some interesting comments on his post.
Although I did think Myrick was being too kind with the term "celebrity blogger". Somemore real celebrities get Slimming ad endorsement deals. I don't even have merchandise (unlike Mr Miyagi).
I liked "idiotic gossip columnist" though. Heh.
The Straits Times today ran a feature on the recent emergence of political bloggers in Singapore - even managing to track down Steven (AKA Hicky) from Singabloodypore. Naturally, local columnist and celebrity blogger Mr Brown is also interviewed. They fail to track down Xeno Boy, who in September 2004 (yes, this year) impressively launched "Singapore's First Political Blog."
Comment excerpt:
friskodude said...
Another comment from San Francisco! I checked most of those blog links in the Straits Times article, and found most of them absolutely worthless. Mr. Brown writes like some sort of idiotic gossip columnist and has almost nothing of interest to say about Singapore. Didn't bother to bookmark his ridiculous blog.