Cowboy Caleb, whose tongue has been noticeably absent from the Sexyblogger project, has some tips on How To Build An Audience For Your Blog.
Listen to the man, he gets it.
Nobody can make you famous. Not mrbrown, not miyagi and certainly not me. The most we can do is link to you one time. You will be famous for that one brief moment when the whole asian blogosphere descends upon your blog to read that one post we linked to. That one moment only. And after that you’ll remember with great happiness the day you got a few thousand hits. That’s right, you’ll be a one-hit wonder.
Unless you build your own audience.
It’s important to note that I’m not going to talk about how to blog. Tony Pierce has already covered that and although I disagree with him on several points, he’s got it covered pretty tight.
There are thousands of blogs out there. What makes yours so special? You can sit down and think all night if you want, but there isn’t an easy answer. So what’s a poor ignored blogger to do then?