Forget the Atkins Diet! The team at The High Levels are here to tell you how get the The High Level lifestyle and start with The South Indian Diet!
(And in a follow-up post, they share the "miracle cure that will transform you from swine to swan", which, unlike some very expensive creams that sound like the name of a sub-mnachine gun, no lawsuits have been lodged against its side effects... yet!
Studies (ours) have shown that the Ayurvedic elements in these dishes can only be activated by beer. Therefore we recommend that this dinner be had with at least 3 jugs of beer (if you're Chinese however, then maybe you should just share a jug with about 6-7 friends and still not drive for a week).
You now have the basics for beginning the South Indian Diet.
"My triathlete lifestyle was such a drag. Training and staying fit is such a pain in the arse. Thank you South Indian Diet. You've made me one happy South Indian." - Random South Indian