Latest TODAY column: I'm too sexy for my blog
Feisty and controversial young Xiaxue recently won an endorsement deal with a fashion company and was mentioned in the local papers and even on overseas blogs.
In that photo Mr Miyagi saw, she was posing in a sexy way, with her tongue licking her lips.
Being the pervert that he is, he got excited and emailed me about it. So, I sent him an MMS of myself in an equally sexy pose (because I wanted an endorsement deal, too).
In reply, Mr Miyagi sent me his own version of the sexy tongue look.
Totally appalled at our lack of sexiness, we decided to upload our mugs onto our respective blogs and thus began the infamous "I'm too sexy for my blog" project.
Technorati tag: sexyblogger
Full column:
I’m too sexy for my blog
You know your blissful existence is shattered when you see your 18-month-old son push his potty from the living room, all the way to the end of the kitchen, to use it as a step to see what goodies he can push onto the floor at the sink.
I had no heart to stop him. I just wanted to see what he planned to do with the potty. And he put so much effort pushing it with his tiny finger and just-learned-to-walk little feet, that it would be cruel to stop his newly discovered skill.
He peered with joy at the new view, and I let him enjoy it before grabbing him and his fulltime-potty/part-time step ladder back into the living room.
We’ve been having some fun on the Net lately, in case you don’t hang out in these parts.
One of my friends, blogger Mr Miyagi (, spotted the photo another popular blogger, Xiaxue (, on the blog of a famous US blogger, Tony Pierce (
Fiesty and controversial young Xiaxue recently won an endorsement deal with a fashion company and was mentioned in the local papers and even on overseas blogs.
In that photo Miyagi saw, she was posing in a sexy way, with her tongue licking her lips.
Being the pervert that he is, he got excited and emailed me about it. So I sent him an MMS of myself in an equally sexy pose (because I wanted an endorsement deal too).
In reply, Mr Miyagi sent me his own version of the sexy tongue look.
Totally appalled at our lack of sexiness, we decided to upload our mugs onto our respective blogs and thus began the infamous “I’m too sexy for my blog” project.
We invited our readers and other bloggers to submit their “I’m too sexy for my blog” photos, so that everyone can see how sexy (or silly) Singapore bloggers can be. I can tell you, the silly outnumbers the sexy.
The response was overwhelming. Photos are still pouring in as we speak. I have to say, the online community was “very give face” in participating in this conga line.
Even the American blogger, Tony Pierce, was amused, and wrote a long post on this, promising to join in with a photo of his, when he got his digital camera back.
Some bloggers, who were shy about revealing their identity, chose to mask their faces but only show their tongue. Judging from some of the tongues, I think it was best that the face was masked with pixilated squares (like those found on Japanese porn movies, not that I have any knowledge of this film genre. I heard, only).
Others submitted their babies sticking their tongue out, and yet others posted photos of their dogs. Many posed cross-eyed (the humans, not the dogs).
Another blogger’s friend found her sexy blogger photo on our sites, and contacted her friend, like some kind of online reunion (“Oh my god! Is that you? I didn’t know you blogged!!!”)
Some of the bloggers were very good-looking women (so far, none of the men looked even remotely sexy with their tongues sticking out), and that only attracted even more interest. One guy did a homage to the lady participants, and did a photo collage of them.
Funny faces and sexy women, two of the most powerful sources of buzz on the Net. All because two silly grown men (one single, the other father of two) decided to post silly photos of themselves in parody of another blogger’s photo.
Some of the photos can be seen on the online photo-sharing service,, under the address:
So far, we have attracted photos from Singaporeans overseas (Hi to Jonathan in Seattle!), an Ang Moh in Shanghai, and a family from the Philippines. We are hoping that this Singapore viral meme will go truly global, or as Miyagi puts it, grober.
Oh, and the company which was Xiaxue’s sponsor, Localbrand, very sportingly decided to jump into the fray and offered anyone who went to their shops doing the sexy blogger tongue pose, a 20% discount on their T-shirts, valid till the end of the month.
The other thing this little project has done, besides giving us our share of laughs, fine looking lady bloggers, and 20% discounts, is to help raise the profile of the bloggers and writers in Singapore. Blogging tends to be a very US-focused thing, and it is easy to forget that there are many talented, witty and interesting bloggers in Asia and Singapore too.
And it also proves to the world that Singaporeans are not a humourless lot. Some of us may not be sexy model material, but we certainly know how to have some fun.
Of course, I would like to believe that I thought of all these brilliant side effects when I came up with the idea, when in reality, we were just having a moment of madness. Yes, er, that’s it, I am a brilliant viral marketing genius.
Some of my male readers, inspired by the success of this event, have asked me to start another viral photo meme, this time asking my readers to submit photos of their sexy chests, instead of just posing with their tongues. I think I won’t do this.
I don’t have a very nice chest.
mr brown is the accidental author of a popular website that has been documenting the dysfunctional side of Singapore life since 1997. He invites readers to submit their photos to Flickr and tagging it “sexyblogger”. Let’s see how “sexy” you can be.