Daring Fireball translates portions of Adobe’s FAQ regarding Their Acquisition of Macromedia into English.
Why is Adobe acquiring Macromedia?
Adobe’s mission has always been to help people and businesses communicate better. Macromedia’s mission has been to provide a rich media experience. Together, we share a vision for the future and with the combination of the two companies — our products, technologies and people — we will enable the creation and delivery of compelling content and experiences across multiple operating systems, devices and media.
Dude, we just bought the only significant competitor to several of our flagship applications. We didn’t buy Macromedia, we bought the market.
Why is this good for customers?
This transaction will benefit customers across all segments the two companies serve — creative professionals working with web, print, and video; application developers; business users and enterprises; the mobile ecosystem, hobbyists and consumers. Combining the passion, creativity, and operational excellence of two leading-edge companies, will allow us to better serve customers by accelerating innovations that change the way that people everywhere are experiencing and interacting with information.
This isn’t good for customers at all.