Nice try, "Mike Landreu". But Uncle is not so easily kena by April Fool's pranks one. Next time try it with an email address that is not Hotmail, for starters.
But a fun read nonetheless. Heh.
For Immediate Release (Can be publised freely on blogs and other media)
San Jose, Calif - April 1 2005 - A new company invested by top VCs is out to buy the top blogs in Asia. First stop will be Singapore. Known as The Blog Company, it will be commencing negotiations with Singapore's top bloggers in the next few weeks.
Funded by some of the U.S's top VC firms, The Blog Company said that Asia is very big in its plans. CEO and founder, Alex Gayne said that the firm has spent the last few months identifying Singapore's top bloggers. He said, "We have a good idea on the type of blogs that we are interested in Singapore. We have decided on five." The big five he says are Xiaxue, IZ Reloaded, Popagandhi, Mr Brown and Mr Miyaki.
"I think here we have the top 5 bloggers in Singapore. We are not in a position to reveal about our plans with these 5 bloggers at this time but I can confirm that we will be talking to them real soon," said Mr Gayne. He explaned the company's choices, "We are looking for the best. And here we have the best. The likes of IZ Reloaded with 10,000+ readers a day, Xiaxue 8,000+ and Mr Brown 4,000+ shows that we are dealing with high traffic sites here."
Margaret Long, a partner at investment firm First Equities who invested in The Blog Company says that she and others believe in the company's blog strategy. "I think what we have here is a unique company with a unique strategy. Blogs are beginning to show that they are not just a place where someone will write his/her diary but it is more than just that. The Blog Company aims to make this a real profitable venture."
Mr Michael Landreu
Press Enquiries
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