I blog my glamorous haircut outing, Mr "Fragile Spot" Miyagi also blogs his lagi stylo hairstyling salon (Aircon) visit, but Kenny Sia goes all the way, and gives us the blow by blow of his visit to Inspiration Alan Salon, the largest hair salon chain in Sarawak.
See, usually when you get your hair washed, the hair salon throws in a complimentary a head, neck and shoulders massage as well - and that's exactly what I'm after. Its true, getting your (upper) head massaged at the hair salon by some sweet young pretty sexy girl is the closest thing you can have to an affair, without actually committing adultery yourself!...
What the foot?! Don't they know that is a no-no to have a guy massaging another guy's head?! Yalah yalah, I know I'm lucky because at least he's massaging my upper head and not my lower head. BUT STILL! This is BLASPHEMY!
You know what the freakiest thing is?
He had the audacity to ask me, "So how? Is it hard enough for you?"
I almost ran away with shampoo still on my head.