Ok, this is going to be a short post.
I would like to tell all you !@%$#%@ banks who keep calling me to sell me your !@%$#%@ credit cards/credit lines/balance transfer offers that every !@%$#%@ unsolicited call you make to my mobile is at my !@%$#%@ expense.
And I don't just mean my time when I say expense. I mean real $$. My !@%$#%@ incoming calls are not !@%$#%@ free, ok?
And for the last time, I DO NOT NEED credit! I DO NOT NEED another credit card! I have NOTHING to balance transfer! I am !@%$#%@ DEBT-FREE!
Get it?
I know it is a very difficult concept for you !@%$#%@ banks to grasp.
How can anyone live without another credit card? How can anyone resist our first six months low interest rate that will become a very high one after that? How can anyone not have any outstanding credit card bill that he is rolling over every month and just paying off the insane interest, hoping to pay off the principal with his variable bonus at the end of the year?
Well, I CAN!
So the next !@%$#%@ bank to call me and waste my time and money, is going to get !@%$#%@-ed.