They came, bloggers from all over the island, to meet, chat, and share a few laughs.
Nobody planned this. It just happened. Word of mouth spread the news, and many came to hear DJ Slapdash spin. It just happened.
Before long, bloggers who have never met each other offline before, were gathered in groups, talking like long-lost friends. Some even went shoppinng at Wisma after this, because it was open till 1am for the Great Singapore Sale.
It was really something to see the faces behind the blogs. It reminded me how wonderful blogging is, in bringing passionate and intelligent people together.
And LMD's fans were thrilled to finally meet the mysterious lady (we are not worthy!). Many got to speak to The Architect of Tomorrow, Mr Guru himself (no peace sign when taking pictures with the DJ please!). Daryl aka DJ Slapdash gamely spinned the music despite flying in from Bonn just a few hours ago. Miyagi, sick and bushed from his day, looked spaced out and aloof (but was actually sleepy and tired). The girls finally found out how short he is.
Mao Tai
Finicky Feline (so Rockson did come look for you after all, too bad he never got to see your stylo tattoo)
Barffie (aka ALT)
One Little Twit
Celly (currently in No Man's Land here, haha)
Michelle "syntaxfree"
Sandra Powerpuff
Ruok (who shocked James by calling him by his old gamer name)
MercerMachine (who showed us his scrapbook with nekkid Xiaxue drawings)
Juicypout (Mail Order Bride)
Naive Guy
...and many others (help me out here, if I missed your name, leave me a comment and I will add it here, thanks).
Jimmy and yAnn also dropped by (but she was in a hurry to get to Wisma too). One of the Sarongpartyfrens was there too.
Conspicuously, Cowboy Caleb was not to be found. Mandrake showed his tribe how Cowboy looked like anyway, from a photo in his camera phone. Cowboy (you asshat, calling us heavenly kings) sent me a lame-assed SMS to be read aloud to his cheering barflies:
"I would like to dedicate a song to all my bar flys (sic) and the message is whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. party on"
Chicken to come down say chicken lah. What send speech all. And you missed a whole bottle of fine whiskey that Mao Tai generously bought to share with everyone, Cowboy.
If you thought the Singapore blogosphere buzzed online, well, they buzz harder offline, man. So much energy, and so many fascinating stories to tell. And the amazing thing is, nobody planned this. It just happened.
It was an honour and privilege to meet you all.
(I was not sure who was comfortable with their photos being shown, so I made a lot of them Private to Friends only. Those of you who were there and want to see yourself and your newfound buddies, do tell me so I can add you as a Friend and you can see your own photos, and do with your photos as you wish).
Technorati tags: singapore, mrbrown, bloggers, meetup