It was a quiet evening, too quiet. We started to wonder where Isaac was.
On the kitchen table, the dinner was waiting for the wife and me. But someone else had other plans.
Stealthily, like a Commando Toddler (Snake Company), Isaac made his way to the kitchen, then the dining table, and then, with skills gained from training for 20 months since he came into existence 20 months ago, he lifted the food cover and crawled beneath.
Under the cover of er, pink netting, Isaac helped himself to the feast of luncheon meat before him. Not just any luncheon meat, mind you. Ma Ling brand luncheon meat.
Quietly he ate, until one of us, curious at his radio silence (he normally tears around the house making a racket), went to look for him. And found him in the kitchen, underneath the cover, merrily eating away.
In fact, he even helped himself to a second piece and ate that, while holding the half-eaten first slice.
So we had to lock him out of the kitchen, bawling his head off, while the missus and I had dinner. This is all Grandma and her feed-him-from-the-adult-table's fault. Sigh.
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