This is my son, this morning, grabbing his shoes because he knows we are going out. He had just woken up, had snot around his nose, and smelled like sweat from a night of sleep. And he had his PJs on and sleep lines still visible on his face. But by golly, he was going to join us, properly groomed or not.
Nobody said anything to him, he just saw us dressed up for work, his sister dressed up for her OT session, and decided he was not going to miss out.
Too bad we could not take him along to work. He bawled at the gate, the poor thing.
Mommy always feels sad leaving him behind.
It is all Grandma's fault he is so Saau Gaai Zyu (哨街猪). I am sure she will come over to take him out for an outing, Gaai Gaai (街街), later. Heheh.