We are at the in-laws. On the wife's command, we trooped down to the playground with both kids and their maternal grandma "Popo". Faith went totally nuts, giggling and running around the playground. She grabbed Popo to chase her, and then ran, giggling, up the steps and down the slide, over and over again.
Isaac was more cautious, as he had a better sense of danger than his older autistic sister. But he did let us put him on the swing and push him gently, whereas Faith could not stay on the swing longer than 3 seconds. She has not quite gotten the hang of the swing's lateral motion.
An older girl in the swing next to Isaac went really high, and my son watched with fascination as she swang higher and faster.
Note to self, remember to watch the kids closely in playgrounds. I was tending to Isaac for a split second when Faith, in her excitement, dashed up the steps and came down the slide, without sitting down first.
Like a scene from Crouching Tiger Hidden Wires, Faith used her Qing Gong (轻功) and just RAN down the slide. She had a small tumble at the bottom, landing on her back.
My face white with horror, I dashed over to pick up the somewhat shaken girl. She whimpered a little, then calmed down.
The upside to all this extreme sports playing was that she managed to walk without tiptoeing for a few minutes after all that sensory stimulation. She got her sensory diet for the day, and I added a few more strands of white hair to my head.
We had a quieter evening of dinner at my in-laws after that. We only had to deal with two pooping incidents (the wife cleaned up the girl, and I washed up the boy, damn that papaya), Faith squeezing the soap water out of the Pigeon wet wipes, and me nodding and pretending to understand the feisty Hakka chatter of my wife's 98-year-old grandma.
Just a regular Sunday for us at the in-laws.
(Ok, ok, use "swung" if it makes you happy. Swang is the "archaic or dialectal past tense of swing". What to do, I am Old School sometimes. And yeah, what Tym said, I was, er, striving for that assonance thing. Personally, I would have liked to use "swing-ded" but that's too modern. Heheh.)