I have decided to do a little meme for National Day. For the rest of this month, take a series of photos that says what Singapore means to you, but take the photos within one minute.
Upload your photos to Flickr.com and tag your photos "onesingaporeminute".
If you do not have a Flickr account (it's free, you know), then at least entitle your blog post containing the photos "One Singapore Minute" (and if possible add a Technorati tag onesingaporeminute) so that it shows up in Technorati searches. If you like, leave your link in the comments section here.
This is not some propaganda exercise. Just have some fun with it. You can take anything you like, as many shots as you like, as long as it has something to do with Singapore, and as long as the shots are taken within one minute, at any time of the day. I think the challenge of the time frame will be interesting. Do try to take more than one photo in the minute. You can even try taking photos with your cameraphone within a minute and MMSing it to your Flickr account (don't forget to tag it later). The meme will end on 31st August 2005, 11.59pm.
I have done one set of photos as a example. Click the Flickr set to see it, or the Flickr tag here.
Technorati tag: onesingaporeminute