More blogger news, front page too.
Five junior college students got into trouble for flaming two teachers and a vice-principal on their blogs.
The five girls were made to remove the remarks and got themselves suspended for three days last month. And of course, the kicker, "Their parents were also informed".
Aiyah, liddat how to be a Champion Blogger and win Interschool Blogging Championship?
In the old days, all we students had to flame teachers with were the backs of our desks. It is much harder to carve "Mrs Lim sucks" on wood than to post something on a blog, ok? Probably explained the shorter posts on said desks. You also have a smaller global reach.
Maybe teachers should start their own blogs and flame their students back. Better yet, have a yearly Interschool Teacher-Student Flamewar Blogging Championship. Like a WWE of blogging.
Perhaps you young 'uns need to work on the style. Don't just say "Miss Ng is a fashion disaster", that is just opinion. DESCRIBE what Miss Ng wears to work (the plaid pants with the white socks matched with the striped blouse, egads!). That is stating the facts.
But if you get caught by your school for your unflattering descriptions, don't say mr brown teach you one ah. I'd hate to be caught up in the next witch hunt.
mr brown does not endorse flaming of teachers by students on their blogs. mr brown thinks there are more interesting things to write about. Go start a blog on policy and politics in Singapore, that kind of blog very fun to do, can?