I was just minding my own Elf business, hanging out at the bank in Darnassus to deposit my latest haul, when this nice lady Elf, Auwora, offered me a Halloween costume. Being new to this game, I cautiously asked, "What costume?".
"For Halloween" said the bubble over her head.
So I thought, what the heck, let's try this, and she made me into a pirate with a spell that would last an hour!
I did a little dance for her, to show my gratitude, and skipped my merry way away to show off my new look. Everybody I met did a double take or laughed. One player asked me where to get it, and hopped on a ship to seek Auwora out.
Together with my pet Tree Frog, Ribbit (seen here at the bottom left of the shot, waiting patiently for me to bob for apples), I hopped onto a ship (where I met a skeleton-costumed player) and visited the newly Halloween-decorated inn at my base city.
Maybe if I am lucky, I can get a Ninja costume next. I've always wanted to be a Ninja.
See a few more shots from my Halloween Flickr set