Take photo of me falling asleep in the middle of sms-ing my wife. I was tired ok? Jet lag and all.
It has been a real challenge trying to call the missus to catch up. I miss the kids terribly, and her too. But with 15 hours between us, there are only a few timeslots to call, since she is working when I am awake, and I am working when she is asleep. When it is 11pm in Singapore (and she is available), it is 8am in San Diego (and I am struggling to get up).
My alarm was set for 8am today, but it woke my roomies up (Miyagi ended up having breakfast, the DIY waffles at the reception), and did not wake me. I, on the other hand, was out cold.
I hope this sleeping pattern thing stabilises soon. It's driving me nuts.
More updates of our road trip to San Diego here.