The wife sent me this sms yesterday.
"Jus now saw tis boy abt 2 yrs old on mrt. He cried n fought violetly to keep still on his mum's lap. E mother was so frustrated she slapped him! He was wearing a bib too. I felt v sad. Do u think he is special?"
We continue talking in the car today on the way to work.
"Poor thing, the boy," I say.
"Ya, I don't know if I should have done something, I felt so helpless," the wife said, "And the grandmother who was with the mother and boy just pointed at him and called him '坏孩子!' when the mother slapped him. Do you think they know?"
"At 2 years old? It is possible they may not know he may be special. And even if they did know, these things happen too," I reply.
"Seeing the mother slapping the crying boy in frustration reminded me of me, and remind me of what not to do with Faith."
"Ya," I nod.
The wife looks out the window at the passing cars, and says, "And after I saw that, I went home and just cuddled Faith all evening."
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