It was the longest holiday stretch I've had all year, four full days, and it was good.
We went to two old friends' new homes for cozy housewarming cum Christmas/New Year parties with the kids. It was so good to catch up with buddies and their families.
I also got to hang with the kids, sitting for long stretches on the sofa with Faith, taking Isaac to his first movie (Night at the Museum), and getting to know little Joy, who has gotten really good at walking and "chatting". Oh, that photo was taken when the kids were going home from Grandma's, and it just rained, so the maids decided that it was warmer for Joy if she wore something on her head. We did not have her cap with us, so the next best thing was a clean cloth nappy for our little Nappy Ninja Girl.
The wife and I also caught up on our movie and DVD watching, which was nice. Movies watched:
1. Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest — watch the making of the Kraken and Davy Jones, very good.
2. Stealth —what was Jamie Foxx doing in this stinker? And EDI shooting off the refueling cone to refuel? Hello!
3. Crónicas — John Leguizamo rocked in this Spanish movie. Very disturbing to watch, this.
4. Æon Flux — Charlize Theron was hot, but what have they done to my Æon?!!!! Everybody is in pastels and you wear black vinyl and you say, "I am a monican but no one knows who we are."?!!! wth. Maybe I have a lot of Æon Flux baggage because it was the first cool thing I watched on cable when cable first came to Singapore. My wife's Tampines block was one of the earliest flats to get the cable TV trials and I spent late nights watching Wings on Discovery and Æon Flux on MTV, in the early days of cable in Singapore. What they did to this animated series was sacrilege, I tells ya.
5. Umizaru — Japanese "Top Gun" movie about elite Coast Guard divers. Switch off brain, watch hunks and babes in training and adventure movie. We have the sequel. Umizaru 2: Test of Trust, on hand too, (called Limit of Love outside of Singapore).
6. You Got Served — Righteous Crew vs evil white-dude Crew in hip-hop competition. You've seen the plot before, like in Bring It On and countless other dance movies. But damn the dancing is hawt so don't be hatin' on dis movie. And dammit, stealing dance moves is just dead wrong, man.
7. Night at the Museum — Silly fun for the family. Something to take the kids and Grandma to. You could do worse, like stay home to watch that pathetic excuse for a New Year countdown show at Vivocity.
8. Commander in Chief: Season 1 — It ain't The West Wing, but this ABC series with Geena Davis as the first female President of the United States, was quite engaging. I am reaching the last few episodes of the 18-episode Season 1. Watching this between episodes of Family Guy is just weird though.
We also have on standby the French movie, 36 Quai des Orfèvres. Hopefully it will be good. And dammit, that season break for Heroes Season 1 and Battlestar Galactica Season 3 is really annoying.
Ok, back to work, and hunting for a nursery for Isaac! The latter is a whole other story for another day.