These are photos of Mas Selamat bin Katsari, leader of the Southeast Asian Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist group, and one of Singapore's Most Wanted detainees. The Singapore government had this middle-aged man who walks with a limp under detention in a supposedly high security Internal Security Department-run detention centre in Whitley Road, but he escaped from the toilet there.
Seriously, if you see him, do call 999 immediately and help the police catch him back.
We only found out about it 4 hours after he escaped on Wednesday 27th February 2008, 4pm, because according to the Minister of Home Affairs DPM Wong Kan Seng, Mas Selamat "was of no imminent danger to the public" and "there is no information that he has any plans that threaten public safety".
This Limping Terrorist was the same guy who planned to attack Changi Airport, the US Embassy, the American Club and the Singapore American School before.
But if the Deputy Prime Minister says "was of no imminent danger to the public", then ok lor.
Perhaps they should take a leaf from school exams, where security seems to be tighter than ISD detention centres. Students needing to go to the toilet are accompanied by invigilators during school exams here.
Anyway, Singaporeans need not worry we will lose any million-dollar senior talents like ministers, in the light of this debacle. They won't be asked to resign or even take a pay cut. We are not like those free-wheeling and chaotic governments from Western democracies that make their leaders accountable for every little thing.
In fact, the government is so confident of their own competence that Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Yeo, said, "Naturally, there's a sense of disappointment, but they know we will recover from this."
I am not sure who he means by "we". Because it's not like you or I misplaced the terrorist. So I assume he means "we" as in the government. And if you mean "disappointment" as in "outrage", yes, that too.
Mr Yeo feels that Singaporeans are confident of the country bouncing back from this incident.
I agree. The country will bounce back very quickly, because the country did not lose the terrorist. You guys did. But don't worry, we will take the DPM Wong's advice and not speculate and ask awkward questions until the government decides what to reveal to us.
Promises Minister George Yeo, "There will be a proper inquiry and what can be made public, will be made public. We will put things right."
Update: A three-member independent Commission of Inquiry (COI) has been set up to investigate the escape of terrorist Mas Selamat. The three commission members appointed to carry out the inquiry are retired High Court judge Goh Joon Seng, former Commissioner of Police Tee Tua Ba, and Dr Choong May Ling, Deputy Secretary (Security and Corporate Services) of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Excuse me ah, but having a current Deputy Secretary of Security from the Ministry of Home Affairs on an independent COI also can meh? Ownself inquiry ownself ministry ah? Are you sure COI stands for Commission of Inquiry and not Conflict of Interest?