Great presentation on the basics of Twitter by @minxuan. It was even picked by the Slideshare editorial team, and featured on their Tech page. Too good not to share on my blog, in case you don't hang out in the Twitter world (and WHY are you not on it yet, my friend?).
There is a Singapore Twitter group, just follow @tweetlah.
There is also two live steaming videos from that presentation by @minxuan and @audreytan at Tweetlah's ustream channel.
If you didn't know by now, my Twitter username is mrbrown (commonly written as @mrbrown) and you can see my Twitter updates on the right sidebar or my Twitter page. Or better yet, use apps like Tweetdeck so you can group the people you follow. I also use Twibble for my Nokia N95 and Twitterfon for my iPod Touch (also usable on iPhone).
Microblogging is fun and a great way to complement your regular blogging, extend your network and cure male pattern baldness. Ok, maybe not the last one.
Next to Facebook, Twitter is probably my most important social media hangout right now.