The BBC interviewed PM Lee recently (listen here) and the local press reported on it. (e.g. TODAY and ST)
Other people noticed this too.
Transcript of the final question in the BBC interview (via TOC):
BBC: “Finally, Prime Minister, I read that you are apparently the highest paid head of government in the world. Your salary is about four or five times what President Obama gets. Are you worth all that money?”
PM Lee laughed and said: “I am not comparing myself and I don’t look at these rankings.We go on a system which is open, honest, transparent – what is the job worth, what is the quality of the person whom you want. We need the best people for the job and these are jobs where you make decisions which are worth billions of dollars. And you cannot do that if you are pretending and you just say, ‘Well, we are all in it for the love of King and Country’. We want it to be honest, we want people not to come in for the money. But at the same time the sacrifice cannot be too great. And at times like these, you want the best possible government you can have.”
Maybe the question not that important lah, like that CDC 8-month bonus thing.
Besides, why omit that last question on his salary? Singaporeans are all very happy and pleased at what our leaders are paid what. And we all understand the need to pay top dollar for top talent what.