Update: We have someone from Microsoft clarifying the CIBAI thing. Verdayne Nunis says:
"Ok, Ok...Now that everyone has had some fun at Microsoft's expense, here's the official explanation. CIBAI stands for “Class Invariants By Abstract Interpretation”. It's not a Microsoft app or product but the title of an academic paper by a researcher prior to joining Microsoft. Microsoft allows our researchers to post their past papers on our site, to enable the public to search across these researchers’ entire body of prior work. However, it does not represent work that has been done or is currently being done at Microsoft. It was unintentional but we will look into removing the acronym from our website shortly."
Singaporean tweeters discovered that one of the top topics on Twitter was... CIBAI.
No really, I kid you not.
It is the name of a Microsoft app, an "abstract interpretation-based static analyzer for modular analysis and verification of Java classes".
Of course, how can the Singaporean twitter community pass up the opportunity to contribute to the discussion? Here are some of our Tweets on CIBAI.
@mrbrown: Dear USA tweeters. Let Singapore teach you the real #cibai. CIBAI is actually a warm Asian greeting. Try it the next time you meet someone!
@ruiwen: Wondering if #microsoft's #cibai has support for plugins
@micketymoc: @mrbrown you're so right! last time i tried to greet someone CIBAI, he gave me a hand signal that suggested I was number one!
@lennel: Hello tech support? my copy of #cibai not working. Can you perform finger and see if you can detect it?
@mizhalle My friend just said: My CIBAI got virus!!
@joshlim: Digg my 'cibai' can? http://bit.ly/lv2nA
@Wolfgang_: I would like to mount my hard drive and then fire up #cibai on my lap...
And so on and so forth. Proving once more "that the Twittersphere has the collective maturity of a twelve-year-old". Heck, someone even UNFOLLOWED people for this cibai thing.
Hey, anyone remembers Google's Gbuy?