Latest weekly Insing column is "mrbrown and the iPhone"
My wife and I finally got our iPhones. After the last two telcos got their right to sell Apple's newest gadget crack, it opened the floodgates for the rest of us who had not purchased it earlier.I proudly showed my wife my purchases and declared I got one for me and one for her. Mine was a manly black (they ran out of 32GB white) and hers was a 16GB white iPhone 3GS.
She looked at her iPhone and frowned a little, "Where do I hang my cute cute dangly mobile phone thingy?"
Then my heart sank. For all his genius, Steve Jobs failed to provide the crucial hole for the dangly mobile phone thingy.
I tried my best to win her over to her new 3GS, over the next few days. But you have to understand, my wife belongs to that category of technology users who are very attached to their old ways of doing things. Shifting even a switch from the left side of the phone to the right side was a major paradigm shift in usability. It was like asking her to learn to use a new leg. (cont'd)