After I posted the story of the winner to my Holiday Giveaway, some readers cynically commented that the couple were not for real and their story a fabrication.
Normally, I wouldn't even bother to respond to haterz. I don't give a fig if you believe them or not because all that matters is that I do. But since this involves the integrity of the couple so I felt I needed to address it.
First of all, I did do my own homework before awarding the prize. Secondly, I even had the opportunity to confirm my belief in their story after the prize was given.
Anyway, Tracy wrote this comment on my blog which I thought I'd share:
mrbrown,I'm very grateful to you for this wonderful gift.
Thank you.
It is a true story. It happened on Nov 23 last year. He was on dialysis for 3 months. When he first started, he spent 3 days per week for dialysis and 3 other days of each week for TCM treatments. Sunday was the only day he could rest. Every weekday, he would go for his morning walk and he watched his diet. He gave up all his favourite foods and drinks.
It was a very tough period for both of us.
Last Christmas, I remember telling him that we would create a miracle and that he will get off dialysis. And he really did it.
I'm very proud of him. Thank you, mrbrown.
May you have a great 2010, and the very best of health.
She also wrote me this email later on:
Many thanks for selecting us. I did not know that Eric has written such a sweet entry. I am really proud of him that he could overcome it. :-)
This is a lovely couple who weathered some pretty tough circumstances this past year and I enjoyed giving away such a nice holiday to them.
As one reader said: "If you did not give to them. I will personal come over and kick u behind! Hahaha!"
Well said.