I was reading a young lady's entertaining blog (she lists Choi Seung Hyun as her husband) after I clicked from her Twitter and found this useful list on her sidebar.
She wanted to provide a dictionary of sorts for readers to make sense of some of the abbreviations she uses. I already knew some of them (GG being almost a daily word for me) but I still managed to learn a few new ones through her.
Here is her dictionary with some of her explanations:
1. HHLL (Hong Hong Lie Lie) 轰轰烈烈2. IKR - I know, right?
3. F5 - (Maplestory emoticon; google it to see!)
4. (A)- (emoticon; i use it to look innocent~)
5. (Y) - (emoticon; it's a good sign!)
6. TTM - to the max
7. GG- (if ydk this you should go play some games, seriously!!)
8. MGBM - May God Bless Me
9. HTHT - Heart To Heart Talk
10. YKWIM? - You know what i mean?
11. ZSQY - Zhong Se Qing You 重色轻友 (In Chinese) English meaning: BFs (boyfriends) over friends HAHAHA
I thought her list was cool TTM. YKWIM?