Latest "Say What? with mrbrown" column: Collecting Dust: mrbrown takes stock of his overgrown CD collection
A recent event caused me to take note of my CD collection again. Yes, you remember CDs? Compact Discs? Shiny round things that carry about 10 to 15 songs each? Plays on this ancient thing called a CD Player?Yes, Modern Listener of Music from Non-Physical Media, those things still exist.
The wife gave me an ultimatum, move out of your study and give the room up for the kids, NOW. That prompted me to take stock of my life, review my career goals, and think of where I was going to move my PC gaming rig.
And of course, my CD collection.
There it was, more than 500 CDs in two shelves, covered in a few years of dust. Since I moved over to MP3s, I hardly played them, even though I had a perfectly good CD player hooked up to a lovely amp in the living room. (cont'd)