Latest weekly Insing column is "mrbrown and the World Cup"
I am in the midst of discovering that my body is no longer the late night fighting machine it used to be. I learned this from this year's World Cup.Three matches a day was taking a toll on my poor body. I am so glad we are going into the second round soon, with just 16 teams.
It did not help that when I went to Malaysia for a short vacation with the family, I got hit by a severe gastric attack, probably from eating something funky. Fortunately it was on the last day but it meant that I had to stay in the room while the rest of the family was out doing fun things like ice skating, shopping and watching The Karate Kid (the new one in which the kid does not learn karate but kung fu).
Since I am on the topic, what is up with that movie? At least be honest and call it The Kung Fu Kid. Will The Karate Kid 2 be about a middle-aged woman who wants to learn tai-chi? (cont'd)