Latest weekly Insing column is "mrbrown and the youngest one"
Some mornings, I wake up a little later for work because of a late night of recording (or a late night of gaming too, but let’s not tell the wife). One such morning, I walked out of my bedroom in a slight daze, at around 8.55am and in the living room, I spotted Joy, my 5-year-old, making herself comfortable on the sofa, watching our big-screen TV.A big-screen TV that was playing Majulah Singapura, the national anthem. And Joy was singing along.
For a moment, I stood there, wondering why in the world a kid would be watching the national anthem on TV. And wondering if I had stepped into the dream world of Inception. Maybe this was a Level 3 dream inside a dream inside a dream.
"Good morning, Papa!" Joy said cheerily, "zhou san!"
"Zhou san," I replied in Cantonese, then pulled all my mental energies together to ask the next logical question, "Joy-joy, why are you watching the national anthem on TV?"
"Okto going to start!" she replied, as if I was asking the silliest question in the world.
So there I stood, in my pajamas, staring at my kid who had planned to catch the free-to-air kids TV channel right from the start of broadcast. (cont'd)