Update: the agency who did it wrote to apologise for their oversight.
Thanks for liking my tweet enough to use it for your half-page newspaper ad, Ministry of Education. But hor, next time ask me first, can? Or even tell me beforehand?
This was my FULL tweet:
"http://mrbrwn.co/fcBPAj Mrs Chong, a Gum Dong Liu Lei video from MOE. Nice but why cannot leave comments?"
So your Youtube video cannot leave comments but your newspaper advertisement of your Youtube video suddenly displays "comments" from the likes of me? Ironic, no?
The least you could have done was list my site's URL or even my Twitter username so people can find me online for more of my witty banter lah.
Next time you like that again, it will be public caning for you, ok? Am I make myself clear?
But I still like your Mrs Chong video, for the record.