Mr Lim Boon Heng, when introducing some new PAP candidates to the press, spoke on the thankless job of MPs: "When Jesus healed ten lepers, only one came back to thank him."
That's a great parable to tell. However, I am not sure if it works here.
@oblige says: "Mr Lim, you got salary + pay rise. Jesus where got"
@desmondkwan says: "I REALLY dun mind earning $1m a year and not get thanked. seriously"
@davechau asks, "How much did Jesus charge those lepers?"
@forceluke asks, "And what miracles hath thou done?"
@Fumatic asks, "So how many lepers did Lim Boon Heng cure? And was he on foot or in a BMW?"
Perhaps Mr Lim Boon Heng should try some other parables next time.