I tried my hand at golf recently on the invitation of the folks at Swing Perfection, indoor golf, to be exact.
Using advanced simulators, I could golf at Pebble Beach or any of the many courses in their servers.
The guy above is not me. I was swinging and missing just about every shot and looking very unglam. So I decided to show you the photo of someone who knew what he was doing with a golf club.
They have cameras that can track your swing so that a coach can tell you how to improve it. The computer can show you the correct posture and super-impose your image on the screen to see if you got it right.
After a few swings and missing the ball a lot, I decided to just watch others play.
They have private golfing rooms too, but I preferred to hang out at the bar counter.
You can find out more at www.swingperfection.com.sg. The shop is located at Killiney Road, next to Comcentre. Meanwhile I am plotting to see if I can replace the software in their systems with some Call of Duty. Should be fun to play an FPS here too. Heheh.