Latest "Say What? with mrbrown" column: CNNGo column: 21 ways to save money at the next F1
When Second Minister for Trade and Industry Mr S Iswaran said that Singapore was in "no hurry" to extend the Formula One race beyond its current contract, and that he would "like to see it continue on a mutually beneficial basis", I read that as SingaporeSpeak for "Got discount or not?"I don't blame the Government if they are having second thoughts about staging the F1 night race here for another five years. It costs S$150 million (US$115.4 million) annually to stage the race, the Singapore Government foots S$90 million (US$69 million) of the bill (with taxpayers' money) and we rake in about S$100 million (US$77 million) in tourism each year from it.
It doesn't take a math genius to see that this isn't exactly a lucrative thing for us to stage.
That is why I propose we try to find ways to save money for future F1 races in Singapore. I asked the greatest minds of the country to mull over this, with this hashtag: #waystosavemoneyatnextF1
1. @mrbrown: Lose the high-powered lights at the Singapore night circuit. #F1 drivers to drive with night-vision goggles.
2. @mrbrown: Computer graphics fireworks for TV audiences. (Actually, didn't China "enhance" their fireworks for tv too?) (cont'd)