Isabella Loh Wai Kiew as "Miss December" in the SembCorp calendar when she was CEO there.
Naturally, the Twittersphere, with its devil worshipers, could not resist coming up with possible reasons why Wildlife Reserves Singapore CEO Isabella Loh Wai Kiew cancelled the popular Night Safari Halloween Horrors event, thereby flushing $1 million and 7 months of hard work by Singapore Polytechnic students and her own staff down the toilet.
Hence, the hashtag #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween was born:
1. @mrbrown: She was worried the Night Safari animals would be afraid of the dark. #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
2. @mrbrown: She felt Lantern Festival at the Night Safari was more relevant to conservation than Halloween. #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
3. @BB_See: The animals might be offended by the blatant worship of the devil #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
4. @nurulsnomnoms: She was afraid that the celebrations included animal sacrifices. #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
5. @cynicmaverick: She scared Night Safari sold 10,000 tickets but 10,001 people turned up. #kiasee #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
6. @miyagi #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween she kenah trick more than treat.
7. @Da_ERP: #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween real ghost heard of the party and has sent her emails enquiring if they could join the party
8. @weiwulah: Her Halloween costumes are still in the washing machine. #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
9. @Jeremy_Yew: Her animal instincts told her so. #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
10. @mrbrown: She wanted to be a PR horror story case study. #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
11. @socialpr: She was afraid people mistake Wild Life reserves for After Life Reserves. #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
12. @Alexifying: She hated family gatherings. #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
13. @miyagi: Someone had to make a video about #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
And the best one of the lot:
14. @uberred86: She decided she didn't need a costume to be a witch. #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween
And yes, #whyisabellalohcanceledhalloween has been trending on Twitter since yesterday.
I received some feedback that "canceled" should be spelled "cancelled". But Lee Kuan Yew said embrace American English too leh.