This was written by one of the fine writers at the Every Day Party Facebook page (full disclosure: I am one of the admins but I didn't write this gem. And no, I don't know who wrote it):
LTA: Bukit Brown has to go. We are building a road.
SINGAPOREANS: What? You never told us!
LTA: We are telling you now, right?
SINGAPOREANS: But you never told us earlier!
LTA: We sat on this for a long time. You think we're being random?
SINGAPOREANS: The point is, you never told us!
LTA: OK, the next time, we will tell you. Happy? But, for this case, it's too late.
SINGAPOREANS: Why too late? You haven't even started. This is our heritage!
LTA: We say too late means too late. We've already made plans.
SINGAPOREANS: But we want consultation!
LTA: Look, we'll be nice. You can take photos and document until we send in the bulldozers. Happy? Go on then.
LTA: We’re already very flexible. But please don’t take your time.
LTA: And, by the way, Rochor has to go. We are building a road.
SINGAPOREANS: What? You never told us!
LTA: We are telling you now, right?
SINGAPOREANS: But you never told us earlier! The last time, you said you would!
LTA: You're not listening. We said then that we've already made plans.
SINGAPOREANS: We want consultation!
LTA: You want more money, is this it?
SINGAPOREANS: We want consultation!
LTA: OK, you can have consultation. Feel free to talk now.
SINGAPOREANS: And you will listen?
LTA: Of course. We always listen.
LTA: But, after that, we build our road, OK?