What a blast the VW Golf GTi 35 Party was! Miyagi and I met up and headed straight to the makan. But most were there to see the GTis on display. And ok, the lovely ladies too.
That's the Golf GTI E35 above. It's a special edition version of the GTi that marks 35 years of Golf GTI, and is also their most powerful GTi ever.
This is the first ever GTi, the Mk 1, and it was displayed as part of a convoy of GTis from the first to the latest generation model. I thought it was quite cool that they got the legendary Mr Giorgetto Giugiaro, designer of the very first GTi, as their Guest-of-Honour. They even had a big birthday cake in the shape of the car. I didn't manage to get a bite of the car cake though.
I wandered around the vast premises at Stadium Link trying to soak it all in. There was an entire food area, booths for manicures, temporary tattoos, driving simulator machines and wide range of activities. It was like a mini-carnival.
There was a fashion show, a Miss Golf GTI Pageant and to my surprise, the band 53A performed too.
53A is Sara Wee on Lead Vocals, with Alvin Khoo, Bani Hidir and Irwan Shah. The band really rocked the house down and was an unexpected treat for me.
Folks clamoured to take photos with the various GTis, especially the new E35. Miyagi and I were happily snapping away on the stage when I said with a laugh, "Eh, we seem like the only fellas on stage taking photos, and there is an audience gathering at the sides. Wouldn't it be funny if suddenly got hot girls walk on stage and we're still here? Very laokui one leh!"
Moments after we got off the stage, the Miss Golf GTI Pageant started. That was close.
Oh, that's Miyagi on the left of the Mk 1 below.
Do come down to join the festivities over the weekend, on the 26th and 27th of November. There are shuttle buses to Stadium Link from Midpoint Orchard and Marina Bay sands. Details and a map can be found at the website: www.gti35.sg/
I had a good time at the party but I think Miyagi and I ate a little too much food. I am a little jealous that the GTi had such a fancy party at age 35. Miyagi and I are older than the GTi leh. How come we don't get parties like this?