I feel the iPhone case industry depends on us making poor design decisions after we get our new iPhones. In the heat of the moment, while high on getting our latest iPhones, we can make the most disastrous iPhone case choices.
My drawer is littered with bad first cases. Cases that failed the quality test (paint rubbing off), cases that failed the aesthetics test (looked good in the shop display window but looked terrible on a white iPhone), cases that failed the practicality test (made of leather, then came into contact with a wet coffeeshop table, leather bloated up).
It wouldn't be so bad if one bought a cheapo $10 case and threw it away in disgust, but some of these cases are $49.90 and up. Very heart pain.
Next time, I plan to wait at least a week before buying one. Or face derision and laughter from my design-savvy colleagues.
Here are some wacky cases I have seen:
Unagi iPhone cover from Strapya, Japan.
Treehugger's DIY Cardboard "Recession" iPhone case
Earonic iPhone case by CollabCubed
Literally, a HAND-phone iPhone cover from Strapya, Japan.