The work has begun on my living room. My home is a hive of activity. Couriers delivering packages of lighting product, the interior designer, the electricians and the painters, flow in and out of my home.
The kids are very excited about it all, thinking it all a fun game. But the wife and I are a little stressed out with the dust and messiness that comes with renovation. We do a lot of sweeping, dusting and mopping every day because dust is everywhere. Still, we tell ourselves that it will soon be over and the it will be worth the trouble.
I didn't know Philips made so many different kinds of light fixtures too. It was pretty impressive to see their various products on our living room floor, waiting to be installed. I heard it was going to be a full LED makeover. I've never had LED lights in my home before (only on my bicycles) so I was very curious to see how they looked in my living room.
One of the challenges involves ensuring the kids don't knock over or pull the new lights down. We told the team that our oldest, Faith, who has autism, had a tendency to yank at dangling fixtures and they took it into account when hanging some of the lights.
Also challenging was shifting my television spot to the other wall to accommodate the new study area for the kids. I didn't realise shifting a television area meant shifting a whole lot of stuff. The cable point, power sockets, and even a Cat 6 network point, had to be created anew at the other wall. I have media players that function as network drives and that was the reason a new network point had to be installed. Even surround speakers had to be rearranged.
It is easy to forget that rearranging the living room impacts so many infrastructure areas because you set them up when you first move in, and you never think of it again.
But the team was patient and understanding with my requirements. And I did my best to help them move stuff out of the way so they could work, like furniture and my curious children (they ended up at my mom's).
Looking forward to the finished living room very much. Fingers crossed.
By the way, In support of Earth Hour, Philips will lightover up to 3 children's homes if they receive 1,500 pledges. Log on to to make a pledge and share with your friends to help make that happen.