This is my living room. My wife is reluctant to share this image because, in her view, our home is never neat enough for the public eye. I am the more bochup man of the household. As long as things are in neat piles, I am fine. We do have three children, a helper and ourselves living in this space. Expecting it to look like something out of Interior Designed Homes Most Folks Cannot Afford magazine, is not realistic.
We've been living in our present flat for more than 7 years now. While comfortable, the wife felt that the children needed more space to do their homework and play. That was basically code for "You will need to give up your Study room."
She also wanted me to do something about my bicycles.
I suggested that perhaps, in the interim, the children could study in the living room and we could carve out space for them and my bicycles. One of the challenges was to ensure that the living room was lighted adequately for the multi-purpose use we had in mind.
Our current living room lights kind of do the job for general lighting but not for what we had in mind.
Philips approached me and suggested a Home Lightover. They would help me re-do my living room with their lighting expertise to meet my new requirements.
I am a little apprehensive about renovations of any kind but it was either that or find a new home for my bicycles. With the Minister of Home Affairs (my wife) blessing, we agreed to be Lightovered.
I will keep you updated of the progress of this little enterprise in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.
Part 2: The Work Begins