August is the month of National Day and also the month when the museums are free. I missed the last few free museum days because of work and travel so this National Day, I made the trip with my brood.
We chose Art Garden at the SAM because they have activities for the kids. Also it was free and air-conditioned, a very important criteria because it was a hot day.
We met up with Ryan and his family there and spent a lovely afternoon trying the various exhibits.
Isaac drew Spongebob on a box from memory and made a 3D Spongebob. I marvel at his visual memory. Perhaps one day it can also be deployed for his Chinese homework.
Joy took to the art activities like a duck to water. Her steady hand on paper, and sense of colour, always amuses and amazes me.
Faith liked the flowers in Echoes-Infinity-The Forest, a room of stenciled flowers by Japanese artist Shinji Ohmaki, his latest installation at the Singapore Art Museum. Pity the flowers on the floor were already faded from the many feet walking over them, but then that was the point of his piece: that art is ephemeral and temporary.
I think I shall come back again with the kids. They loved the interactivity of the place. I loved looking at the murals and the laid back vibe. Faith sometimes had to take a break outside when things overwhelmed her (she'd end up sitting or lying on the floor when her autistic senses are overloaded) but she generally had a good time too.
I am going to make the most of free museum month and check out the other museums too. Maybe get in touch with my Peranakan roots at the Peranakan Museum next.
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