Saw #AhBengNovels on Twitter, and decided to join in.
1. @mrbrown: Ulyssimi #AhBengNovels
2. @mrbrown: Buay Song of Solomon #AhBengNovels
3. @mrbrown: Barbarella at the Gate #AhBengNovels
4. @mrbrown: A Beng in the River #AhBengNovels
5. @mrbrown: The Guai Lan American #AhBengNovels
6. @mrbrown: The Brudders Karaokezov #ahbengnovels
7. @mrbrown: The Great Gatsby Hair Wax #AhBengNovels
8. @mrbrown: For Whom the Bao Toh #AhBengNovels
9. @mrbrown: The Neoprint of Dorian Gray #AhBengNovels
10. @mrbrown: Atlas Squatted #AhBengNovels
11. @HeelHooked: The Ah Vinci Code #AhBengNovels
12. @jackiegay: Pride & Paiseh #AhBengNovels
13. @hai_ren: Anna Kanina #AhBengNovels
14. @BB_See: The Time Traveller's Charbor #AhBengNovels
15. @robins: Life of Pai Kia #AhBengNovels
16. @mrbrown: The Thin Red Lian #AhBengNovels
17. @eadwine: The Chariots of Fire Disco #AhBengNovels
18. @syntaxfreeblog: The Canto-bury Tales #AhBengNovels
19. @fzz87: Journey to the Centre of Party World #AhBengNovels
20. @mrbrown: LAH Confidential #AhBengNovels
21. @mrbrown: The Chronicles of Naohia #AhBengNovels
22. @mrbrown: The Unbearable Marlboro Lightness of Being #AhBengNovels
23. @clxrrr: Jane Eh #ahbengnovels
24. @mrbrown: The Count of Monte Canto #AhBengNovels
25. @hai_ren: One Fly My Aeroplane Over The Cuckoo's Nest #AhBengNovels
26. @mrbrown: Alice in Wonder LAN Shop #AhBengNovels
27. @inasalleh: #AhBengNovels Who Moved My Teh-C?
28. @AbsoluteJunkie: All The Ah Long's Kah Kiahs #AhBengNovels
29. @CarnagaeA: Goh-Zhup Grey Patten #AhBengNovels
30. @fqwimages: As You Suka #AhBengNovels
31. @mrbrown: The Curious Staring Incident of Newton Hawker Centre at Midnight. #AhBengNovels
32. @drsteventucker: Memoirs Of A Getai. #AhBengNovels
33. @clarencedesu: The Tale of Humji #AhBengNovels
34. @BigYellowDot A Song of Ice and Menthol #AhBengNovels
35. @mrbrown: The Chiobu with the Dragon Ang Kong #AhBengNovels
36. @mrbrown: The Towkay of Venice #AhBengNovels
37. @mrbrown: St James Power Station and the Giant Peach #AhBengNovels
38. @hai_ren: Life of Pi Sai #AhBengNovels
39. @mrbrown: No Hoon Kee for Old Men #AhBengNovels
40. @mrbrown: Wait Long Long for Godot #AhBengNovels
41. @mrbrown: The Five People You Beat at Streetfighter #AhBengNovels
42. @mrbrown: A Bridge Too Far East Plaza #AhBengNovels