Wah, 200 PRC SMRT bus drivers went on strike and the riot police were called in.
Mainstream media seems slow in reporting this leh. I so far only see TODAY reporting it.
Maybe they must double confirm first. Maybe it is not a "strike" but an "unhappy gathering".
Oh wait! Straits Times just reported it! Their headline is "200 SMRT bus drivers refuse to go to work over pay issue".
Cannot use the word "strike" issit? Must use "refuse to go to work over pay issue" ah? Hahahaha!
CNA's headline is: "SMRT bus drivers who refused to go to work in talks with management".
In other news, the RSAF is rumoured to be renaming their F15 fighter jet to F15 "Refuse to go to work over pay issue" Eagle.
[Photo via SPH]
Maybe the foreign drivers nair watch this video of LKY when he dealt with the 1980 Singapore Airlines Pilots' Association work-to-rule action and kicked everybody's ass.