Miyagi and I recently took our Healthy Lifestyle Index (HLI) and look at my score! SEVEN leh!
Miyagi is only a 6! This made Miyagi buay song so he started a #healthyrivalry with me to see if we can beat each other's HLI score. Follow us on our blogs (mrbrown.com vs miyagi.sg) and twitter accounts (@mrbrown vs @miyagi) to see who wins!
You can watch our little 15-second teaser video here: http://mrbrwn.co/16GQlBP
The Healthy Lifestyle Index is a health monitoring tool to help you determine where you stand in terms of your key health behaviours and habits. You are scored from zero to 10 after you do the ten quick and easy questions. Very easy to do one!
Eh! Do you have a healthy rival too? Go start a rivalry, like ours, at www.healthylifestyleindex.sg/facebook
(Note: You can do the Healthy Lifestyle Index via a computer and mobile but it's better done from the desktop.)
Bonus: Go and do it and the first 30 readers from this blog to complete the HLI via http://bit.ly/HLImbmm will win a Fitbit Zip (worth S$105). Go! Go! Go!