I love wet markets. Wet markets make me happy. I love the buzz, the smells, the people all going about their morning marketing chores. I used to follow my mother to the wet market and enjoyed watching her haggle with the fishmonger and the vegetable auntie.
In fact, I think there is lots to be happy about in Singapore and I don't understand why there are reports that say we are not only emotionless but unhappy as well.
While I was mulling over this over a cup of oolong tea, in Tekka Market, I saw a cool little impromptu concert by Bevlyn Khoo (邱意淋). It made me smile (and I even sang along to some of the song I knew… CHINESE songs leh).
That's what prompted me to start tweeting #IfYouHappyAndYouKnowIt tweets, which resulted in a song.
I found out later that Belvyn's little concert was part of Starhub's Happy Everywhere campaign (Facebook link). You can go check it out, they are taking submissions and votes for happy moments and prizes will be given away.
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