If we had its own Agents of SHIELD show, it would need to be called Agents of SHEW (Strategic Homeland Enforcement Watchdog).
The "LD" very hard to pronoun lah. (Click on the poster to see big big.)
When I mentioned this on Twitter and Facebook, all kinds of suggestions came from the readers.
@funkshin suggested that the series have characters like Capt(NS) Dr America, the Incredible Hawk, (Orchard) Ion Man, and their leader, Ajen Nick McFlurry. Singapore's very own Aventures team, as it were. "AVENTURES FALL-IN!" would be the battle cry.
Actually, if you had an organization like this, you may not want to use the word Agents, because wait Singaporeans think it is Property Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Insurance Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..
Supporting S.H.E.W. will be the S.A.F.C.T.S.F.P.C.U. (Singapore Armed Forces Counter-Terrorist Special Forces Plainclothes Commando Unit).
Needless to say, our team slogan will be One Punch One Kill. Very tokong one.