I was trolling the kids today, "So tomorrow you're going back to school ah? So tomorrow you're going back to school ah? So tomorrow you're going back to school ah?"
The kids replied, "So today you're going back to work ah?"
Kids 1 : Papa 0
I also got the Minecraft app for them finally, over the CNY weekend, after weeks of requests from the boy.
I bought it on the wife's iPad. The nice thing is that it is also on her iPhone so the two younger ones are playing on the same map together, quite value-for-money.
The downside is that I have to be the Police of Minecraft time.
After the first two days of CNY, I've come to the conclusion that kids can live on soft drinks and random CNY snacks. But if you hand them an iPad with Minecraft in it, they don't even need food and water.
Scientists, take note.
The kids have also become very sensitive to the health of our wifi internet connection. Over the weekend, our fibre broadband went down for a while and I had to declare, "Attention, members of this family who are currently online! The home internet connection seems to be down, I'm resetting the modem and router in 3… 2… 1…"
My two younger kids who were in the midst of their game cried out with the woeful wail of a thousand Minecraft zombies, "Papa! Nooooooo…"
I tried explaining that the internet was down anyway, so my resetting was meant to ensure that they could play on.
Like the kids, the wife is also on leave today, so she slept in a bit.
The wife told me Faith woke her up this morning and dragged her finger to the clock by our bed, as if to say, "Mommy, why aren't you going to work yet?"
My quiet autistic daughter surprises us all the time.